…Extend courtesies and Inspect new equipment at Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital, Raqeem International Press

The Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria (MAAN), Alhaji Daud Abiola Raji on Friday 5th January 2024 commenced official visitation in the life of the seventh (7th) administration of the Majlis Ansaullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria with a courtesy visit on the respected Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria (AMJN), Alhaji (Barrister) Alatoye Folorunsho Azeez at his office, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria headquarters, Ojokoro, Lagos, Nigeria.

In his address, the Sadr appreciates Amir Sahib for gracing the inauguration ceremony where the official change of baton from the 6th to the 7th leadership of the Majlis at the Ansarullah House on Saturday 30th December, 2023. He noted that the visit was to convey the continued loyalty and solidarity of the Majlis to the Jamaat and humbly request Amir Sahib for his usual guidance, support, and prayers for the success of the administration.

Responding, the Amir Sahib, Alhaji (Barrister) Alatoye Folorunsho Azeez appreciates Allah for His benevolent mercies on the Majlis and the Jamaat. He noted that Ansarullah and Missionaries are two very important organs of the Jamaat which if gotten right will positively affect the progress of the Jamaat in all ramifications. He emphasizes that Ansarullah plays a critical role, as the elder cadre, coupled with being father to all. He urges Ansarullah to continue using their experience and political will to positively guide and assist the Jamaat rightly at all levels by the Nizam-e-Jamaat.

In the interactive session of the meeting, Amir Sahib underscored the good working relationship between the auxiliary bodies and the headquarters of the Jamaat as laid in the Nizam-e-Jamaat and enjoin auxiliary bodies at other levels of the Jamaat to always follow suit. Amir notes that he sometimes receives reports of misconceptions of some members giving priorities to their auxiliary body above the Jamaat, he notes that these are usually caused by ignorance which we are all duty-bound to continue sensitizing members at both Jamaat and auxiliary bodies meetings on the Nizam-e-Jamaat.

The Amir also stresses the need for the Ansarullah to double efforts on the Tabligh activities. He expressed worries that Nigerian Jamaat has not met the target set for us by Huzur Aqdas and the need for all to be involved to meet our target and bring many more Nigerians to the community of the Promised Messiah (as).

In a related development, the Missionary In-charge sahib, Maulvi Adnan Tahir hinted that Ansarullah is the heart of the Jamaat which carries enormous responsibilities in functionality or otherwise of the body. He counseled that Ansarullah needs to do more as the father figure, be responsible, and exemplify good traits as he promised to continue offering necessary assistance from his office. The Sadr Sahib had earlier in his address informed Tabligh efforts of the Majlis as he thanked MIC for his long-standing support to the Majlis as Press Incharge and sought continuous support in all ramifications for the Majlis.

Also, the Secretary Nusrah Jehan Board and Medical Director, Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital Ojokoro, Dr. Semiullah Tahir appreciated Sadr Sahib for considering him and the hospital worthy of his visit, he promised to continue support of the hospitals to the Majlis while seeking prayers from the Sadr Sahib for Allah’s continuous upliftment of the hospitals. The delegation was later taken around the hospital facilities and its newly acquired equipments which includes BIOELAB AS-120 Chemistry Auto Analizer, Five parts Hemax 53 haematology analyser, and Mindray Diagnostic Ultrasound Transducer.. The Sadr Sahib enjoined the hospital Management to extend the informations of the acquired equipments to the members of the Jamaat and the public to benefit from it.

At the Raqeem International Press, the Press In-charge, Maulvi Wajhu Ullah promised to continued support of the Press to the Majlis. He used the opportunity of the visit to inform the delegation of the newly acquired CTP machine in the Press.

In attendance with the Amir Sahib is the General Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jammat of Nigeria, Alhaji Abass Olawale Iromini while the Naib Sadr (Administration) Alh. Engr Abdul Aziz Shonibare, Qaid Umumi Alhaji Abdul-Jabar Ayelaagbe, Qaid Mal Bro. Memudu Abdul-Wasiu, Muavin Sadr 2 Bro. Towolawi AWahid, Coordinator Zone II, Uztaz T. O. Shoboyede sahib, Qahid Sehat Jismani Pharm Abimbola Taoheed, Naib Qaid Umumi Bro. Bayoor Ewuoso, Qaid Talimul Quran Mualim Oyekola Qasim, Naib Qaid 1 Mal Alh. Oyebamiji Sahib are on the entourage of the Sadr Sahib for the visits.


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