Sihat-e-Jismani (Physical Health)



  • The department is responsible for all administration.
  • Responsible for sending out and receiving reports and other correspondence for Majlis and Region.
  • Maintains Ansar offices in the Regions and Majlis.
  • Arrange Amila meetings, take & distribute approved minutes & agenda.
  • Responsible to collect reports from all departments and prepare a Monthly report for Markaz.
  • Maintain records of all departmental Reports.

Department of Umoomi provides help in the following matters of the Majlis:

  • Any approval or change of the local or regional body (Amila) should be submitted to Qa’id Amoomi for Sadr Majlis’s approval.
  • Any issue in monthly reporting system should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi so that he can find the appropriate resources to solve the issue.
  • Any question or concern in holding the local Amila or general body meetings should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi for proper guidance.
  • Any issue of local or regional level should be communicated to Qa’id Amoomi for proper resolution.
  • Any matter requiring the attention of Sadr Majlis or National Amila concerning local, regional or national events should be communicated to Qa’id Umoomi.


  • Organise minimum 1 Amila Meeting every month.
  • Organise minimum 1 General Meeting every month.
  • Give at least 2 weeks notice for the general meeting.
  • Ensure there is a prefixed agenda for the meeting that is distributed well before the meeting due date.
  • Ensure minutes of the Amila meeting are recorded.
  • All Ansar members must be informed and reminded by phone call if required, about the General Meeting.
  • In addition to the phone calls, emails and texts can also be used as reminders.
  • Inform Ansar by a personalized letter enclosing the agenda of the meeting.
  • Try making the meeting useful & interesting. Choose a topic of interest or choose a book from which you can discuss a certain topic or Hadith
  • Arrange for light refreshments
  • Set a fixed time and day or week for a meeting
  • There is no quick fix, it will take time, no magic formula. Just keep trying with prayers, love and understanding.
  • Meetings must be result oriented