Medical Check-up on: Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS); Blood Pressure Checks Body Mass Index (BMI) Facilitators: Ahmadi Medical Practitioners Coordinated by…
Dars: Topic: A Shield against Sins: The Protective Power of Istighfār Facilitator: Alhaji Abbas Olawale Iromini, GS AMJN
INTERACTIVE SESSION: Chairman: Dr. Lateef Ademola Busari, Naib Amir Tabligh and Tajnid, AMJN TOPIC: Polygamy, Home Management and Conflicts Resolution…
Today, Tuesday, 20th August 2024, the National President (Sadr) of Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Alh.…
Read here:…/ All reactions: 1010
In preparation for the upcoming 2-Day Free Medical Camp, the elders of Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya…
As part of the efforts to raise awareness and inform the community about the upcoming…
As part of the preparations for the upcoming 48th Annual Majlis Ansarullah Ijtema, members of…
Join us for the 48th Majlis Ansarullah Silsila ‘Aliya Ahmadiyya Nigeria, a prestigious gathering of…
Medical Check-up on: Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS); Blood Pressure Checks…
Dars: Topic: A Shield against Sins: The Protective Power of…
VENUE: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at National Headquarters, Ojokoro, Lagos. DATE: Friday…
TOPIC: Prompt Execution of Majlis Activities: The Role of Officers…
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